
Zodiac Light Waves and Esprit-ai Partnership

Market Leading Supplier of IT and Cyber-Security to Re-sell Esprit-ai Sense™ Smart Bed Alarm – Invisible Care™ Integrated Into Your Nurse Call 

Toronto, Ontario (June 28th, 2023) – The importance of Nurse Call Systems in our hospitals, long term care and retirement communities cannot be overstated. Press the button, pull the chord, and help is on the way… but what happens when you can’t (press the button)? Zodiac Light Waves and Esprit-ai™ now have the inclusive solution.

“At Zodiac we pride ourselves in being a trusted partner in providing senior care IT services, we are always looking for innovative ways to provide better care and assist the care teams in doing what is already a very difficult job. I am very excited about adding the Esprit-ai Sense™ Smart Bed Alarm solution to our portfolio. It essentially provides an extra layer of protection for residents and differentiation and inclusiveness to our Nurse Call System portfolio.” Says Hesam Mahdavi, CEO of Zodiac Light Waves.

“Hesam has innovative ideas and services and proudly stands behind what he sells. I feel confident in having Zodiac Light Waves working with me on my future projects and would highly recommend them.” says Mike Traub, Vice President, Riverstone Retirement Communities

The Esprit-ai Sense™ Smart Bed Alarm is installed underneath the mattress, it has the same familiar bed mat form factors as the staff are used to. However, this innovative design and positioning is not only more comfortablefor the resident but can also detect more than one occupant.  The bed alarm also allows re-useby protecting the physical system from environmental issues such as incontinence. 

Patrick Tan, CEO of Esprit-ai says “We built the Esprit-ai Sense™ Smart Bed Alarm  solution coming from a telecommunications perspective, where reliability is paramount. Our partnership with Zodiac Light Waves offers an Invisible Care ™ component to their Nurse Call solution and together we are offering the most reliable solution on the market.”

Esprit-ai  Sense™ Smart Bed Alarm was built knowing that alarm fatigue is a real problem. The sensitivity of the solution is highly customizable based on the personal mobility levels of each resident  and in addition to extremely accurate bed exit alerts, it also measures detailed sleep quality. Esprit-ai  Sense™ Smart Bed Alarm uses Artificial  Intelligence (AI) to silently detect  unsafe situations and when it detects one it alerts staff on their Nurse Call System.

“We have been using Esprit-ai since 2022 and are seeing less falls in our Dementia Cottage and my care team are starting to share sleep data with their resident’s physicians.” says Heather Howard, Present and Owner of FoxRun By-The-River

Esprit-ai Sense™ Smart Bed Alarm solution is already installed and operational with  more than fifty customers today and is now available for purchase from Zodiac Light Waves online store. Purchasing information is available for new clients here.


Esprit-ai™ is a company that cares. We are dedicated and passionate in helping seniors live longer, healthier, and safer lives as well as  providing caregivers peace of mind that their loved ones are always safe and well-protected. Our Esprit-ai Sense™ Smart Bed Alarm solution acts as an invisible caregiver, silently observing and protecting your most vulnerable residents . When accidents happen, it promptly and automatically sends messages to the care team for help. Invisible Care™ with no wearables, and no cameras. Distributed and supported in Ontario through a partnership with Zodiac Light Waves. 


Zodiac Light Waves is a technology powerhouse delivering full system solutions to the Canadian healthcare and retirement market. With over 25 years of experience in the field, Zodiac Light Waves is known for its expertise in providing reliable, secure solutions for businesses of all sizes. Our highly skilled professionals are dedicated to using the latest technologies and methodologies to keep our customers ahead of the curve in an ever-changing technological landscape. If you’re looking for a trusted partner to help your business grow and thrive in the digital age, look no further than Zodiac Light Waves.